Monday, December 1, 2014

Taking Chance

The lessons that I learned from watching this movie, taking Chance, is that people in America do show respect for our military and the bravery and courage these men and women have to face. With being in a family with an active military man, this movie hits home. While watching this movie people from all over took time to show respect as fallen military men and women are being transported.  If that was one of my family members I couldn't be more proud to be an American as people stopped what they are doing and showed respect to the fallen military troops.
Pfc. Chance Phelps was killed in action around the town of Ar Ramadi, Iraq on April 9th, 2004. Born in Dubois, Wyoming Chance was only nineteen years old when his life was taken away from him. His unit was conducting a convoy to transport assistant commander of the 1st Marine Division, General John F. Kelly, when they took heavy fire. Chance took bullets to his head which took his life, but saved many in his marine career. Chance showed many characteristics of bravery and courage. After his death Chance was promoted to Lance Corporal. In Camp Ramadi, a baseball field was constructed in Chance’s honor called Phelps Field.
Along the way as they were taking Chance home many people took the time to respect and honor his body as it was being transported home.  Many people don’t take the time to show respect to military. Just by taking a second to stop and show respect means a whole lot to the family members and the escort.  Lieutenant Colonel, Michael Strobl, native to the town of Clifton, Colorado where Chance grew up as a kid, decided to escort Chance home. Along the way Strobl experienced many acts of kindness. While boarding his first flight, the manager moved his boarding ticket from business class to first class. On that same flight, one of the flight managers gave Strobl a small cross with Jesus on it. It first he thought it was for him but as he was giving Chance’s possessions to his family he realized he was just the deliverer of the cross.   In Dubois, Wyoming on April 17th, 2004 Chance Phelps was laid to rest.  Days later the rest of Chance’s unit held a memorial service in Camp Ramadi.
While watching this movie it hit home hard for me. With having a family member in the military service at means a lot to see the respect that everyone gives the escorts and fallen members. It doesn't matter if it is the caregivers cleaning the body or random people watching at the airport, they realize that someone gave their life so they could have a free life and have no worries.  If you lose someone in the military you want the best care for your family member.  As I watched this I could think what if I had lost my uncle would they have cared and showed that much respect for him? I hope that people realize all that these men and women do for us. If we didn't have them would we have all the rights and freedom that we do?
The lessons that I learned from watching this movie, Taking Chance, is that American’s do care and show respect for our military service men and women, and how all of the service men and women show bravery and courage every day that they put on that uniform.  Do you think that you could take a few minutes of your time and show respect for our military men and women? This act of kindness is what makes a strong nation thrive.

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