Monday, April 13, 2015

Korean War

The United States and the Soviet Union have very different ideologies. The United States wants everyone to be free and not have to worry. The Soviet Union wants their government to have total control over their people. This was one thing that caused the United States to get involved with the Korean War. We wanted to stop the spread of Communism. But this apposed trouble. General MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons and wanted to kill everyone. Most of the United States people loved MacArthur. This caused problems with President Harry Truman. He wanted to fire MacArthur but he knew this would cause the people to get very angry. Finally Korea and the United States talked it out in peace. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Red Scare

The Red Scare is one on the things that came with getting into the Cold War. With the United States getting involved, the country getting scared, people started getting frantic. People in the movie business would fire people if they suspected anything to do with communists; the same was for the industrial industry. The Red Scare got a huge coming to when people would start strikes. Also, someone tried to bomb the attorney- general. This caused many people to get arrested. Also when the Soviet Union tested the nuclear bomb, this caused our country to go into full military mode and get involved. A year later, after Korea became communist supporters, we got involved in the Korean War. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

United States and Soviet Union

The United States and the Soviet Union greatly very differently, the United States is a capitalism country and the Soviet Union is communism country. In the United States you can have a free market which means that you are free to trade with other countries as you please.  The Soviet Union on the other hand the government does not allow their people to trade, it must be the government that gets to trade not the person who has the product. With the Soviet Union being communistic it makes trading goods very hard, you really don’t have a choice on how you can trade. We should be thankful in the United States we are very lucky that we can trade as we please.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dr. Josef Mengele and Dr. Shiro Ishii

I am writing about what I think is the most terrible things that one human can possibly do to another human. Let’s go back to 1939, the year that Word War II started. Many people around the world were suffering tremendously, from Germany to Japan and even the United States.
 In Germany Hitler took control and started Nazi camps. This is where the evil and twisted Dr. Josef Mengele, or Angel of Death, took over his evil experiments. Dr. Mengele worked at Auschwitz where he took many victims lives.  The people that he was most interested in where child twins, with the twins he tried to figure of heredity. Another fascination was eye color. He would take eyes and inject them to see if they could change color.  He later fled the camp because he knew it was soon going to be over taken and shut down.
          The next sick and twisted individual is Dr. Shiro Ishii. Ishii was the head of Unit 731, biological and chemical warfare research, where he carried out violent human experiments. Some of the experiments’ that he carried out was he would force pregnant women to have an “abortion”. He would take the women and inject them with different diseases so he could see how the fetus and mother would react to them. He also made it so the prisoners would have strokes, heart attacks, frost bite, and hypothermia.
          I am very disgusted with how and what the Germans and Japanese did to others. They are both equally bad in all ways. In my point of view, they are both terrible. How could you ever do that to someone? Why is it that when one person beholds all power everything turns evil and twisted, then it’s all for one. This was a terrible time in history.

          Nanking was a very eye opening film.  It opened my eyes to all of the terrible things the Japanese did to young women. I cannot imagine what that would have been like to go through those times. The Holocaust was just as bad as what they did to all of the different races. I cannot believe what we humans are capable of. 

Monday, January 5, 2015


        Have you ever thought about how we, the people, contribute to joining a war that is taking place? Well if you don’t know we the people have a huge chunk of deciding on whether or not of going into a war. Without the people, you wouldn’t have anyone to join the military. Who would go out and protect us? Nationalism, devotion to one’s country, has a huge part that makes men and women want to join the military and serve our country.  Men and Women want the best for their country and if that means that they die for the country they will.  With going into the war the United States need allies to help with the war. Although Germany and the United States, Germany did break allies with the United States by attacking international shipping.  This fired up many people and helped them join the war. Most men wanted to join the war to show pride and leadership for their country. Without these men we would have never been able to be a strong military.  With this we need men and women who are willing to risk their lives and stand up for our country and serve. We need their families supporting them through this whole journey they are willing to take. Without the whole United States standing behind our troops we have nothing. We need to show support, help serve and better our country. Men out there need to be ready to willing to fight for their country.